A big welcome to old bird, edwingsng, for rejoining us!
What did I say about not being too late to join us at this juncture? edwinsng is already off the bottom, courtesy of Roberttty who probably forgot to predict.
In any case, congrats to Cool402 for taking the pole this round as a result of being the only one to get 4 out of 6 correct outcomes. We were all floored by the Swiss and Kiwi coups.
Also congrats to quite the few of you who opened account on the Marksmen Board too!
Housekeeping Notes:
All of this World Cup's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

Marksmen Board (Number of Exact Predictions)
4 Games - Everton
3 Games - Raynaldo
2 Games - ihawk98, delay, Nick, jf, Voxeros, KingMeng, Cool402
1 Game - jamesdubya, hotdog, Cha_Dum_Yen, Arrenn, 8plus1, Hotdog, Silverelf, ianrush, TheSaint888, edwinsng
Si Ginah Board (Number of Times The Clown Forgot To Put Own Name When Amending)
2 KNNs - Cool402
Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.
Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.
No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)
Blogspot Blackout
The World Cup Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at http://jaywalk.blog-city.com. Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.
As usual:
1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.
What did I say about not being too late to join us at this juncture? edwinsng is already off the bottom, courtesy of Roberttty who probably forgot to predict.
In any case, congrats to Cool402 for taking the pole this round as a result of being the only one to get 4 out of 6 correct outcomes. We were all floored by the Swiss and Kiwi coups.
Also congrats to quite the few of you who opened account on the Marksmen Board too!
Housekeeping Notes:
All of this World Cup's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

Marksmen Board (Number of Exact Predictions)
4 Games - Everton
3 Games - Raynaldo
2 Games - ihawk98, delay, Nick, jf, Voxeros, KingMeng, Cool402
1 Game - jamesdubya, hotdog, Cha_Dum_Yen, Arrenn, 8plus1, Hotdog, Silverelf, ianrush, TheSaint888, edwinsng
Si Ginah Board (Number of Times The Clown Forgot To Put Own Name When Amending)
2 KNNs - Cool402
Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.
Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.
No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)
Blogspot Blackout
The World Cup Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at http://jaywalk.blog-city.com. Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.
Prediction League Past Winners
Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402
Euro 2008 - Voxeros
EPL 2008/2009 - Everton
EPL 2009/2010 - ihawk98
World Cup 2010 - [ We're Going To Find Out Soon! ]
Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402
Euro 2008 - Voxeros
EPL 2008/2009 - Everton
EPL 2009/2010 - ihawk98
World Cup 2010 - [ We're Going To Find Out Soon! ]
As usual:
1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.
LOL i like the Si Ginah Board !!!!!!!!
Si ginah.... who is this anonymous commenter??!
Own up!!
hehe delay .... hahhaa
If I can use a 40k analogy, this game is not for the Competitive Gamer, but is the kind for the Fluffy Bunny. It's near impossible to set up a game winning strategy, a large chunk of the game is luck of the draw. Strategy mostly comes in your personal interactions; do you play it safe and be everyone's friend, or do you join in picking on the leader? A Competitive Gamer would get frustrated with the reduced amount of control while a Fluffy Bunny would enjoy the silly cards and situations, along with the personal interactions.
Thank you for your opinion, G.Ames. We'll take note of your opinion when we ask for it.
Thank you for your opinion, G.Ames. We'll take note of your opinion when we ask for it.
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